Açık Topluluklara vermenin birçok yolu vardır. Misyonumuzu desteklemenin en etkili yolu, ailelerin evlerinde ve topluluklarında kalmalarına yardımcı olmak için eğitim, sosyal yardım ve savunuculuğumuzu desteklemek için bağış yapmaktır. Misyonumuzu desteklemenin diğer yolları, uzmanlığınızdan, kişisel ve profesyonel bağlantılarınızdan yararlanmak veya programlarımızı tanıtmak için Kurulumuz ve personelimizle gönüllü olmaktır.
April 27th, 2024
Walk/Roll the Redline
Thank you to all who were a part of our inaugural Walk/Roll the Redline!
At our 2024 April Fair Housing Month community event, over 200 people joined us to learn local history, celebrate community, and take action for housing justice. Walkers followed an educational route through Evanston's historic 5th ward learning the impact discriminatory housing policies had on our community and how they still show up in harmful new ways. Displays developed with Shorefront Legacy Center celebrated Black Evanstonians' contributions, showcased local Black-owned businesses, and demonstrated ways to take action for housing justice today.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, donors, walkers, neighbors, and local businesses who support our work to:
- Stand up for people experiencing housing discrimination
- Help neighbors keep their stable homes and prevent homelessness
- Increase housing accessibility and affordability
- Advocate for local housing justice
- Create communities we can all call home
Help us continue the moment, become a Housing Justice Advocate today with your monthly, sustaining donation.
Many thanks to Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism student, Brandon Kondritz, for producing this video. Learn more here: www.brandonkondritz.com.