April is National Fair Housing Month. This landmark legislation prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability.
Unfortunately, housing discrimination continues today. It is a persistent problem in Chicago's north and northwest suburbs and across the country.
For Fair Housing Month, we asked our Board members why fair housing matters to them and why it should matter to you.
"Fair Housing matters because since the beginning of time, housing(shelter) has been the cornerstone stone of safety and community. And today, it not only determines your safety but also your health, as it determines your access to quality healthcare, quality food choices, and quality education. So making housing fair and accessible to all IS a matter of life and death." -Frank Clements
"Today, communities and individuals are divided. There is a great gap in wealth and home ownership, while the percentage of income going to rent has skyrocketed. This environment creates more opportunities for discrimination by housing providers, lenders, appraisers, realtors, and others influencing their local housing market. Fair Housing laws were passed in 1968, and violations are increasing in the last several years. We need to enforce the laws and educate now, more so than 50 years ago. Unfair housing practices have not gone away; they have only increased in this divisive time." -Carol Golder
"In 2023, fifty-five years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, federal, state, and local fair housing laws are needed now more than ever to ensure that we have equitable and inclusive communities. Everyone is entitled to equal access to housing, and fair housing laws enforce these rights." -Herb Brenner
"Fair Housing matters because, without access to a safe, affordable place to live, it's harder for kids to learn and achieve their goals. If economically-disadvantaged families are denied housing in areas with good schools, it will be harder for their kids to break out of a cycle of poverty, build generational wealth and raise the next generation." - Emily Love
"I'm committed to fair and equitable housing because I believe it makes our communities better for everyone. There is a real benefit to our communities that comes from having a stake in the community- even for renters. Everyone deserves the peace and enjoyment of a home." - Grace Mia
"Housing is a fundamental human right for all. It is our duty as a society to ensure all our citizens have access to safe and affordable housing." -Joanne Rogers
You can help make housing fair and equitable in your community and the greater Chicagoland area. Contact us to learn more.